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LA governor: appointed by LA, Co-opted governor: appointed by Governing Board, Parent governor: appointed by parents, Staff governor: appointed by staff. (Appointment dates refer to appointments made by Springdale Infant and Springdale Junior prior to conversion to Primary on 1st January 2018).


All governors have full voting rights – there are two committees: Finance and General Purposes and Curriculum.

Current Governors
Former Governors
Governing Body Committee Structures

Curriculum Committee


Mrs Rachel Jones

Mrs Janice Hopkins

Mrs Karen Bull

Mrs Kathryn Burrow

Miss Felicity Allen

Finance & General Purposes Committee


Mrs Emma Hewitt

Mrs Janice Hopkins

Mrs Karen Bull

Mr Alan Mumberson

Mrs Jackie Lloyd

Mr Graham Tate

Ms Joy Blakeman

Mr Peter Faulkner

Governing Body Meetings Attendance

Our Governors

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